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General Conditions Claryx Ltd.

Contents of the website

The contents of Claryx’s websites are with all rights reserved. All the rights, inclusive the ones not mentioned here, are reserved. Their copying, transmitting, spreading, storing in a retrieval system of a part of or all of their contents, without whatever written permission of Claryx Ltd. except for the cases when this doesn’t infringe the above-mentioned conditions, is forbidden. You are allowed to open Claryx’s websites on your personal computer, as well as printing extracts of them only for personal use but not for spreading them except if you have Claryx’s written permission for this. Some separate documents in our websites can be a subject to certain other conditions stated in the respective document. Using this website for your personal, non-commercial purposes is allowed. Releasing the announcements for the press and other documents, classified as public, in the mass-media, is allowed given the source is cited.


Accuracy and authenticity of the information

This website and its contents are published for your convenience. Claryx Ltd. does not guarantee that the web pages do not contain mistakes and that the access to them is unstoppable. Claryx Ltd. keeps the right to edit its web pages and to restrict the access to them at all times. Claryx Ltd. is obliged to take all appropriate measures in order to publish checked and quality information on its websites but we should warn all the visitors and users of the website that it is possible for mistakes and inaccuracies, as well as lateness in the update of the data may appear on the website and Claryx Ltd. does not take any responsibility for them.
In addition, these websites have the rights to periodically change and add their own information, depending on the marketing policy they have adopted.


Forbidden and not allowed use

Using this website, you are obliged to not use the data, information, photo materials, as well as whichever of the rest materials, owned by Claryx Ltd. or its partners, for banned by a law or non-compatible with these conditions and purpose.


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